Vendor Procurement Software Made for Property Managers

Get multiple bids on your projects in a few clicks with VendorPM.
Try for free and access a network of 50,000+ vetted vendors.
Trusted by 1000+ property managers.

Spend way less time sourcing vendors

Approved Vendors List
Vendor Compliance
Contract & Service Calendar
Source New Vendors
Historical Record Management
two bar graphs showing how vpm procures 3x more bids

Get 3+ vendor bids every time, on time

Request quotes for 400+ building services and easily get 3 bids for all your building services, before your deadline.

Work with your preferred vendors and thousands more

Manage your existing vendors while leveraging a rated, reviewed & vetted marketplace of 50,000+ service vendors to easily source compliant vendors.
list of vendors graphic
Graphic of budgeting, comms, etc. centralized on VPM

Get everything done in one place

No more fishing through your inbox. All your buildings, vendors, projects schedules, & historical data in one place, under one login.
management graphic

Service & Contact Management

No more fishing through your inbox. Access & filter all historical data while proactively planning for upcoming services & contracts.

compliance graphic

Sourcing Compliant Vendors

No more excel lists. Manage preferred vendors while interacting with a marketplace of 30,000+ vetted vendors.

eTender graphic

eTender 400+ Building Services

Easy-to-use tendering solution to get 3 bids for all building services & needs.

"We first rolled out VendorPM within our Canadian portfolio to increase purchasing power and transparency across our procurement process. It’s helped a great deal with compliance and we’re now piloting this great solution with a few key markets in the U.S."
Mark E. Rose
Chair and CEO of Avison Young
“An impressive platform that offers access to esteemed service providers, bid analysis and the benefit of saving valuable time.”
Claudia Nemi
Director, Property Management
“In a fast paced industry time is of the essence – VendorPM is a tool that allows to source excellent contractors in an efficient manner.”
Dean McCabe
President, Meritus Group
“VendorPM saves me countless hours and puts my mind at ease.”
Nicholas Chirametli
President, City Sites
"We first rolled out VendorPM within our Canadian portfolio to increase purchasing power and transparency across our procurement process. It’s helped a great deal with compliance and we’re now piloting this great solution with a few key markets in the U.S."
Mark E. Rose
Chair and CEO of Avison Young
“An impressive platform that offers access to esteemed service providers, bid analysis and the benefit of saving valuable time.”
Claudia Nemi
Director, Property Management
“In a fast paced industry time is of the essence – VendorPM is a tool that allows to source excellent contractors in an efficient manner.”
Dean McCabe
President, Meritus Group
“VendorPM saves me countless hours and puts my mind at ease.”
Nicholas Chirametli
President, City Sites
"We first rolled out VendorPM within our Canadian portfolio to increase purchasing power and transparency across our procurement process. It’s helped a great deal with compliance and we’re now piloting this great solution with a few key markets in the U.S."
Mark E. Rose
Chair and CEO of Avison Young
“An impressive platform that offers access to esteemed service providers, bid analysis and the benefit of saving valuable time.”
Claudia Nemi
Director, Property Management
“In a fast paced industry time is of the essence – VendorPM is a tool that allows to source excellent contractors in an efficient manner.”
Dean McCabe
President, Meritus Group
“VendorPM saves me countless hours and puts my mind at ease.”
Nicholas Chirametli
President, City Sites

Book a call to learn more.

Sign up and instantly access vetted 50,000+ property vendors

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